- Enabled by default to track API calls , can export logs to S3/CW logs
- Trail is applied to all regions by default , can create for specific region/service/user
- Can setup Organizational trail to log API calls for the enter ORG
- Up to 15 min delay - set up Event Bridge to react to events with metrics from CloudWatch
- Events are stored event logs for 90 days - can export to S3 + query with Athena
- Management events - actions on AWS resources in your account
- Data events - off by default - object level activity , lambda execution events
- Insights events - off by default - can detect unusual activity in your account
CloudTrail with AWS Organizations
To create an organization trail, ensure that the “Enable for all accounts in my organization
” option is checked when creating a new CloudTrail trail.
Cloud Trail to S3
Multi account - multi region logging
Alerts per API call